Dice Baseball Rules

Dice Baseball Game

Handcrafted wooden board game featuring a Dice Baseball scorecard with storage box for accessories. Next to it a Dice Baseball wood score card with metal pegs and dice displayed.

The object of the game is to have the most runs after 9 innings. 


When it is your turn, roll both dice and look for the meaning of that dice combination. The player who is up at bat will keep rolling and moving around the bases until they get three outs. All of that player’s pieces are removed from the bases. The other player then gets a turn to be on bat and roll the dice to move around the bases. When both players have had a turn, it is a new inning and play continues until all 9 innings have been played. The recorded outs get reset each time a player starts at bat, while the runs are recorded throughout all innings. 


Home Run – The player at bat hits a home run, all players on bases round to home and score a run.


Double – The player at bat hits a double, all players on bases advance 2 bases. If any round home they score the run. 


Fly Out – The player at bat hits a fly ball and is out. No players advance bases. Record the out.


Walk – The player at bat walks to 1st base, all players on bases advance 1 base. If any round home they score a run.


Sacrifice Fly – The player at bat hits a fly ball and is out. All other players on bases can advance one base. If any round 

home they score a run. Record the out.


Single – The player at bat hits a single, all players on bases advance 1 base. If any round home they score the run.  


Pop Out – The player at bat hits a pop fly and is out. No players advance bases. Record the out.


Strike Out – The player at bat strikes out and is out. No players advance bases. Record the out.


Triple – The player at bat hits a triple, all players on bases advance 3 bases. Score a run as they round home.


Double Play – The player at bat hits and is out along with one player on either 2nd or 3rd base. If there is not a player on 

2nd or 3rd then there is only one out at bat. Record the outs.

Ground Out – The player at bat hits and is out on first.  No players advance bases. Record the out.